Prickly Shark Echinorhinus cookei Pietschmann, 1928

For general description see Featured Elasmobranch February 2005

New website by Cindey L. Dawson is at and providing link to Dawsan-Starr publication (2009): Movements of subadult prickly sharks Echinorhinus cookei in the Monterey Canyon.


Summary: A prickly shark Echinorhinus cookei Pietschmann, 1928 was brought in on July 31, 1994 by aquarium staff from waters off the head of the Monterey submarine canyon near Moss Landing. It was released 7 days later because of bouyancy problems (O'Sullivan 1991, AES abstract). Total length 2.04 m (over-the-curve, OTC), OTC precaudal length 1.60 cm, OTC pre-first-dorsal length 1.22 m, girth 1.04 m, estimated mass 70 kg (HFM unpublished data).

Aug. 2, 1990 newspaper article Prickly shark in stretcher


Prickly shark being measured in transport tank


Prickly shark in Monterery Bay Habitats Exhibit


Added August 1998, updated July 2019.

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