Vital Rates (Life History Parameters) of and Elasticities
for the Leopoard Shark, Triakis semifasciata

Parameter Female Male References
Largest specimens
(Total length and mass)
1.981 m; 1.515 mTL   Miller and Lea (1972); Ackerman 1971
Size range of specimens 0.226-1.450 m TL (n = 162) Kusher et al. 1992
Size at maturity 0.95-1.1 m TL 1.0-1.1 m TL Kusher et al. 1992
Smallest mature 0.94 m TL (10 yr) 1.01 m TL (10 yr); 1.15 m TL (7 yr) Kusher et al. 1992
Largest immature 1.08 m TL (11 yr) 1.10 m TL (11 yr) Kusher et al. 1992
Sizes at which 10, 50, and 90% are mature  


Fig. 12 data in Koster et al. 1992 could be used to determine this.
Estimated age at maturity 10-13 yr 7-10 yr Kusher et al. 1992
Gestation time 12 months   Kusher et al. 1992
Reproductive cycle 1 year   Kusher et al. 1992
Litter size (# of pups in litter) 7-36 Cortés (2002)
Birth size estimate 25 cm TL Kusher et al. 1992
Smallest free-swimming 25 cm TL Kusher et al. 1992
First year growth 9.2 cm TL based on VBGF 10.7 cm TL based on VBGF Kusher et al. 1992
Von Bertalanffy Growth Function (VBGF)

TLoo = 1.602 m,
TLo = 0.290 m
(to = - 2.74 yr),
k = 0.073 yr-1
(5ln(2)/k = 47.5yr);

TLoo = 1,499m,
TLo = 0.248m
(to = - 2.03 yr),
k = 0.089 yr-1
(5ln(2)/k = 38.9yr);

Kusher et al. 1992

Elasticity estimates based on alpha = 12 yr, Abar = 16.41 yr, Abar/alpha = 1.37 (AES Manaus)

E(m) = 1/Abar = 1/16.41 = 0.0609;
E(JS)= alpha/Abar = 0.731;
E(AS) = (Abar - alpha)/Abar = 0.269;
Sum Elasticiies = 1 + E(m) = 1.0609

Normalized elasticities:
E(fertility) = E(m)  = 5.7%;
E(juvenile survival) = E(JS) = 68.9%;
E(adult sruvival) = E(AS) = 25.3% , E(AS)/E(JS) = 0.37
Parameter Female Male References


Created November 2002; updated November 2002. Back to previous page
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