Pelagic stingray, Dasyatis (Pteroplatytrygon) violacea, Bibliography

Akhilesh K.V., Manjebrayakath H.,Ganga U., K. K. Bineesh K.K., and C. P. R. Shanis (2008). Morphometric characteristics of the pelagic stingray Pteroplatytrygon violacea (Bonaparte, 1832) caught off Cochin, southwest coast of India. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. India, 50 (2) : 235-237.

Amorim, A. F., Arfelli, C. A. and Fagundes, L. (1998). Pelagic elasmobranchs caught by longliners off southern Brazil during 1974-97: an overview. Marine and FreshwaterResearch 49, 621-632.

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Domingo, A., Menni, R. C. and Forselledo, R. (2005). Bycatch of the pelagic ray Dasyatis violacea in Uruguayan longline fisheries end aspects of distribution in the southwestern Atlantic. Scientia Marina 69, 161-166.

Ellis, J. R. (2007). Occurrence of pelagic stingray Pteroplatytrygon violacea (Bonaparte, 1832) in the North Sea. Journal of Fish Biology 71, 933-937.

Ezcurra J. E. (1997). Epipelagic fish communities and the Outer Bay Exhibit at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Where do pelagic stingray, Dasyatis violacea, fit in? Proceedings 1997 National AZA Meeting, Albuequerque NM, Aug. ? 1997.

Ezcurra, J. E. (2001). The mass-specific routine metabolic rate of pelagic stingrays, Dasyatis violacea, with comments on energetics. M.S. Thesis California State University, Stanislaus through Moss Landing Marine Laboratories. 64 pp.

Forselledo, R., Pons, M., Miller, P. and Domingo, A. (2008). Distribution and population structure of the pelagic stingray, Pteroplatytrygon violacea (Dasyatidae), in the south-western Atlantic. Aquatic Living Resources 21, 357-363.

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Greenwald S. A., Bourdon J. A, Mollet H. F. (1997). The recovery and analysis of teeth and dermal thorns from captive pelagic stingrays, Dasyatis (Pteroplatytrygon) violacea  (Bonaparte, 1832). Program and Abstracts ASIH, AES Annual Meeting. University of Washington, Seattle WA, June 26 - July 1, 1997.

Günther A. 1870. Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum. Volume Eighth. 12. Trygon violacea. Bonaparte, Faun. Ital. Pesc.; Müll. & Henle, pp. 162, 200 is on pages 477-478.

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Hemida, F., Seridj, R., Ennajar, S., Bradai, M. N., Collier, E., Guélorget, O. and Capapé, C. (2003). New observations on the reproductive biology of the pelagic stingray, Dasyatis violacea Bonaparte, 1832 (Chondrichthyes: Dasyatidae) from the Mediterranean Sea. Acta Adriatica 44, 193-204.

Henderson, A. C., Quigley, D. T. G, Flannery K. (1999). The shorfin mako shark Isurus oxyrinchus Rafinesque and the pelagic stingray Dasyatis violacea Bonaparte, in Irish water. Irish Naturalist Journal 26:260-266.

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Jordan D. S. and B. W. Evermann 1896. The fishes of North and Middle America. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. No. 47. 53. Dasyatis, Rafinesque is described on pages 82-86. D. centruara (Mitchell), D. hastata (De Kay), D. gynmura (Müller), D. sabina (Le Sueur), D. longa, Garman, D. dipterura, Jordan & Gilbert, and D. say (Le Sueur) are described but not D. violacea.

Joung, S. J., Liu, K. A. M., Liao, Y. Y. and Hsu, H. H. (2005). Observed by-catch of Taiwanese tuna longline fishery in the South Atlantic Ocean. Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan 32, 66-79.

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Menni R. C., Hazin F.H.V., Lessa R.P.T. (1995). Occurrence of the night shark Carcharhinus signatus and the pelagic stingray Dasyatis violacea  off northeastern Brazil. Neotropica (La Plata) 41: 105-110.

Mollet, H. F. (2002). Distribution of the pelagic stingray, Dasyatis violacea (Bonaparte, 1832), off California, Central America, and worldwide. Marine Freshwater Research 53: 525-530. Download PDF.

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Mollet, H. F., Ezcurra J. M., and O'Sullivan J. B. (2002). Captive biology of the pelagic stingray, Dasyatis violacea (Bonaparte, 1832). Marine Freshwater Research 53: 531-541. Download PDF.

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