Vital Rates (Life History Parameters)
of and E-pattern for the Salmon shark Lamna ditropis Hubbs & Follett, 1947

Parameter Female Male References
Largest specimens ~3.05 m TL, annectotal accounts mention 3.7 - 4.3 m TL   Compagno (2001)
Size at maturity 221 m TL (8-10 years) 1.82 m TL Compagno (2001) based on Tanaka (1980)
Smallest mature      
Largest immature 2.1-2.2 m TL 2.1-2.2 m TL Compagno (2001)
Sizes at which 10, 50, and 90% are mature (c)      
Age at maturity

8-10 years;
6-9 yr (median precaudal length of 164.7 cm PCL)

5.0 yr;
3-5 yr (median precaudal length of 124.0 cm

Compagno (2001) based on Tanaka (1980);
Goldman and Musick, Fish. Bull. 104:278–292 (2006)
Longevity estimate > 20 years >27 years Compagno (2001)
Gestation time estimate 9 months Compagno (2001)
Reproductive cycle 1 year Compagno (2001)
Littersize (# of pups per litter) 2-5 Compagno (2001)
Birth size estimate 0.60 m TL Compagno (2001)
Elasticity pattern using alpha = 9 yr, Abar = 12.34 yr from LHT or Leslie matrix

Normalized Elasticities:
E(m) = 1 / (Abar + 1) = 1/12.7 = 7.50%;
E(JS) = alpha / (Abar +1) = 67.5%;
E(AS) = (Abar - alpha) / (Abar + 1) = 25.0%.


Using alpha = 7.5 yr (mean value in Goldman and Musick 2006), Assuming Abar/alpha = 1.3 (i.e. Abar = 9.75 yr),
E(m) = 1 / (Abar + 1) = 1/10.75 = 9.3%;
E(JS) = (alpha ) / (Abar +1) = 69.8%;
E(AS) = (Abar - alpha) / (Abar + 1) = 20.9%

Parameter Female Male References

Created March 2003, updated April 2007; Back to previous page
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